All posts tagged: Goal

Daily business horoscope

Daily business horoscope for Monday, December 14, 2020

Daily business horoscope will guide you appropriately toward success and recognition in your professional life! Read the information under your zodiac sign! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Daily business horoscope – Aries The Moon not only returns for its last visit to your career sector for the year today but the last before Saturn and Jupiter leave over the coming days. This will ensure your professional instincts and imagination are fuelled as the planets focused on the big picture prepare to leave and as the planets that will focus on the ‘when, where and how’ approach. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Daily business horoscope – Taurus Even with the Moon just two days away from its last visit to your career sector for the year it would be important to have your …

Daily Money horoscope

Daily Money horoscope for Monday, December 14, 2020

Our daily Money horoscope will give you the insight to move forward with your goals! The stars are here to offer their guidance on your financial and money endeavors ! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Daily money horoscope – Aries Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your financial sector over the weekend and her alignment with Juno since yesterday, Venus is well placed to make her last full day here count. Juno will stay on until later in the week before leaving as well, giving you time to turn Venus’ wishful thinking into a game plan and resolutions. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Daily money horoscope – Taurus A total solar eclipse in your financial sector can be a wildcard but with the Sun and Mercury here and the South Node …

Palm reading

Palmistry 101

Palmistry (also referred to as chiromancy) is a form of fortunetelling that is completed through reading and interpreting the lines, folds, and wrinkles of the palm. Today, you can find a skilled palm reader in almost every city, but this wasn’t always the case. The exact birthplace of palmistry is unknown but the earliest accounts of reading one’s palms to give predictions are found in India and then later spreading to Persia, Tibet, Egypt, China, and Greece. During the medieval period, palm reading was almost eradicated as it was associated with devil worship by the Catholic church. During this time, its use was strictly prohibited, and practitioners were classified as sorcerers. Those who were caught using palmistry methods were severely punished and often killed. However, the tradition still carries strongly into the present day despite such suppression. Want to change your lifestyle? Talk to a Spiritual Advisor now! Palm reading prevailed and even ended up thriving during the Renaissance. In the 20th century, it even saw renewed attention through interpretations by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Today, modern medicine (while not officially recognizing chiromancy) also …

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Can you show gratitude towards your career? How many people can say that they are truly happy in their current job? Apparently, not very many. According to a survey conducted every four years by Gallup (an American analytics firm) only 13 percent of people love their jobs. The rest either expressed dislike of their jobs or admitted that they are only slightly engaged in their current workplace.  There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of the most glaringly obvious ones are financial security, a lack of appreciation for the work they produce, a less-than-ideal working environment, and the absence of potential growth and development. Sadly, most of these factors are beyond one’s control. Short of changing jobs or switching careers completely; there’s not much to be done about them these concerns.  Visit genuine online advisors and get the clarity you need! So, then what if we turn our attention to the 13 percent of people who do love their careers to see what they are doing right? Well, the same survey shows that these people have pretty much the same jobs …

Mid - August astrology

Mid – August astrology: impetus vs brakes

Mid – August astrology shows a combination of impetus, momentum and inhibitory factors. As fire energy prevails and fire element can not endure a static situation, people are prone to force events before they ripe. The result can play out in both ways: things may became fouled up due to the premature action or successful breakthroughs may occur while others wait for better opportunities. Mid – August astrology – Sun and Mars The trine between Sun and Mars (24°08 Leo – Aries) perfects on the 16th of August. This energy combination will make you feel vigorous, self-confident and active. You will find easy to be yourself and to take action, so you will be able to accomplish a lot. Since this trine is one of the dominant aspects of the new moon chart of the 18th of August, it is a great opportunity to launch new projects. You can also firm up the activities you are already involved in. Experts of astrology are online on Talk to them now! However due to the predominance …

Law Of Attraction

Magic is real: How To Use the Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in magic? We are here to tell you that it is in fact, totally real. No, not the kind of magic from childhood fairytales- no witches in front of a huge, steaming cauldron or anything like that. There is real magic in the world. Real magic that you can use anytime to improve your love life, career, finances, or emotional state! That magic is called…. The Law Of Attraction. Boost your love life with the help of genuine and professional online Psychic advisors today! People are often astonished by the power of the Law Of Attraction. By just dedicating a few minutes to it every day, real change begins to materialize.  The central tenets of the Law Of Attraction are personal and cosmic vibrations. Every being resonates with a certain vibration. The Law Of Attraction works like a radio dial, helping you shift your vibrations and thus pulling the things and outcomes you desire closer to you. For example, if you want more success, you’ll resonate with things that bring you success. …

Sensitive to energy

Signs that show You Are Sensitive to Energy

It is possible for people to be highly sensitive to energy around them. We all are at some level. However, there are some who are far more sensitive than most. They are capable of picking up even the slightest signals and auras that surround us. But, how do you know if you’re such a person? Well, there are certain signs to keep an eye out for. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms on a daily basis, it’s possible that you might be highly sensitive to energy. Let’s take a look at some of those signs. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! You’re Highly Empathetic You have the unique ability to pick up a person’s energy as soon as they walk into the room. You can tell, with the utmost ease, whether they’re upset or happy. Being an empath makes you a first responder of sorts. You are there to immediately offer a crying shoulder or some form of support. You can feel their emotions as if they were your …

Encourage Your Team Members

Effective Ways to Encourage Your Team Members

Any great leader has deep reserves of emotional, spiritual, and physical energy. Such energy is typically fueled by a supportive and powerful relationship they have with their team members whom they love, by leading a healthy lifestyle, taking out time for self-actualization, and exercising regularly. Consider to try out these ways to encourage your team members so they will become motivated and feel supported to perform according to their best ability. Insightful Psychic guidance is just a click away! Establish specific and clear goals A study reported that around 63% of the employees mentioned that their work was wasted because they were unaware of their top priority tasks. Hence, it is your responsibility as a leader to work closely with your team members for establishing clear goals. After the goals have been set, ensure that all team members are aware of what these goals are. Never pay less than what your people deserve While setting the salaries of your employees, make sure that their salary is consistent with their counterparts in other organizations in the …


The December Positivity Bounce! Merry Christmas to you all!

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style In the air there’s feeling of Christmas” from Silver Bells by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans Have you ever noticed how people are more positive this time of year?  There seems to be a certain special glow that is hard to explain and almost impossible to miss. Sure, we hear the negative stories about shoppers being rude, or the sad tale of a family who has lost their home; but for the most part, December is the one month of the year where there is a spiritual positivity bounce. It is “the holidays” and from Buddhists to Zoroastrians, and many beliefs in between, the month of December holds a wide variety of  holidays. From the Zoroastrian’s Winter’s Feast to the bounty of a Christian Christmas banquet table groaning with the weight of food; around the world the month is full of celebrations and holy holidays giving it a tremendous and huge positivity bounce. Positivity – Some December Holiday Observances: Beginning at sundown on the second, those of …

Love at first sight

Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Popular culture is abundant with examples of love at first sight. But does such a thing really exist in reality? Can you actually fall in love with a person on your first meeting? If yes, then what do you think makes this possible? These are all legitimate questions that have divided our society. Half of all people believe that Cupid’s arrow does indeed strike an innocent passersby, while others are certain that love at first sight is nothing but a function of our hormones. Here, we discuss this topic in more detail below. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! So the answer lies in how you define love. It’s safe to say that the love you experience at first sight is probably more attraction and lust than love. Also, men are more prone to falling in love at first sight as they tend to be more visually-inclined than women. Love at first sight – be open to the possibility Say you met someone at a party and developed a strong connection …