All posts tagged: Tarot Cards

Gemini Synastry

Gemini Synastry How to Win the Heart of a Gemini

The mutable air sign of Gemini is quite a powerhouse! They are strong advocates for adventure, masters of communication, and often the life of the party! With all exciting these traits, it’s easy to get captivated by the charm of one! That said, Gemini Synastry is complex and many are surprised by the unlikely love matches they produce. Here are our top three picks for the best love compatibility with Geminis: Libra: Magical feelings of epic proportions are sure to ensure when these two charming signs come together! In a lovely paring, the Libra-Gemini dynamic combines wit, flirtation, and beauty in one package. It sometimes seems too dreamy to be true and can become that way in some cases. Since both are air signs, they tend to shy away from commitment. In order to avoid a trip to heartbreak city, make sure that both of you are on the same page about the relationship. Aries: For a pair that looks at life through rose-colored glasses, a Gemini would need to search no further than an …

The Manifestation Stone

The Manifestation Stone – Everything You Need to Know About Citrine

What if we told you that there’s a stone that can help you achieve all your wildest dreams? Well, we’re happy to report that there is one! Meet Citrine – or as some people like to call it – the manifestation stone. This light-amber-toned stone is associated with wealth, prosperity, and success. If you need a little push to get you one step closer to your goals, try snagging a piece of this crystal to get you to the finish line! Truth be told, Citrine is quite rare, and chances are the rocks sitting on the shelf in your local crystal shop aren’t the real deal. The unique yellowish shade it has is created when traces of iron merge in quartz during the crystallization process. This same color can be replicated by heating amethyst. Therefore, if you see authentic Citrine know that it is scarce and will probably come with a bigger expense than the amethyst variety. While it’s sometimes referred to as the manifestation stone, it is also called the “Merchant’s Stone.” This is …

Top 5 Energy Drainers: Protecting Yourself From Energy Vampires

Even though most of us have spent the past year at home, we are feeling more exhausted than ever before. You may be wondering how this is possible as we cocoon in the coziest of places – our homes. While rest is essential and necessary at times, too much can lower your spiritual vibrations. This tied with the anxiety and uncertainty attached to the pandemic has created a vacuum of energy drainers. If you feel the need to begin protecting yourself from energy vampires, we’re here to help! A good place to begin is looking at what drains our energy in this time of solitude. Here are our top 5 picks and our chosen antidotes: · Lack of Sleep – When you spend most of your day in your resting space, it is hard to turn off when it is time to go to sleep. If your space allows for it, try to separate yourself from your sleeping area for most of the day. Only go back in there when it is time to go …

Pink Supermoon in Scorpio

The Pink Supermoon in Scorpio and What it Means for You

The next Full Moon of the year will occur on Monday, April 26, 2021 (11:32pm EDT) in the dark and mysterious sign of Scorpio. This will be the first of only two supermoons in 2021. Supermoon is a term invented in 1979 by Richard Nolle, an astrologer, and is used commonly today. It signifies the periods when the Moon is the closest to the Earth, often making them the most luminous and large Full Moons of the year. Let’s see what the pink supermoon in Scorpio has in store for you! For those of you that know a Scorpio, you are aware of how secretive, sensual, and emotional they can be. We can expect a lot of that energy to come to the fore during this lunation. Prepare yourself for the long-haul too as Full Moons can be felt up to three days prior and three days after their peak. Another hallmark of Scorpios is that they rule the 12th house in astrology dedicated to death and transformations. While it sounds scary, all transformations are …

Silence And Solitude

In Silence And Solitude We Find The Light

Every day we are surrounded by thousands of devices. These phones, TVs, and computers help us, but also provide a continuous distraction. They attract many of our senses and cause us to lose focus. What we do not realize is that in silence and solitude, the soul finds the light. When was the last time you had 100% of your attention on a single thing? Regain this contact. What we do, in the moment we do it; it is essential for our balance. Especially for our mental and emotional clarity. Finding silence means emptying the mind and recovering your tranquility. It’s an unmistakable freshness that you get from giving energy to one thing at a time. Silence is not necessarily a closed room and nothing else, but rather it is finding contact with the beauty that surrounds us. It is nature, when we are walking through a forest, passing through a park, carefully observing a flower, feeling the wind in the trees, getting lost in the sky or listening to the sound of the sea. …

An Ordinary Earth Angel with Extraordinary Gifts

Oranum Psychic Countessstarella Publishes “An Ordinary Earth Angel with Extraordinary Gifts”

Any loyal Oranum member is sure to know about the fun, exciting, and always illuminating presence of Countessstarella! Now her book “An Ordinary Earth Angel with Extraordinary Gifts” is out. She is not hard to spot with her lively backdrops, costumes, show-stopping lighting. Perhaps you’ve stopped by her room to gain some guidance, learn about a past life, or see what the future holds for you! No matter the reason for your visit, Oranum Psychic Countessstarella is sure to provide you with a fun and insightful experience.   If you have ever been curious to learn more about the countess and her fascinating life, now is your chance! She has just published an audiobook titled “An Ordinary Earth Angel with Extraordinary Gifts” where she recounts her incredible journey thus far!   Learn more about her audio book here:  Do you want to try but not quite sure where to begin? We offer a wide-ranging array of services, including: Tarot readings, palm readings, dream interpretation, astrology consultations, weekly love horoscopes, and more! You can connect with a compassionate and knowledgeable online psychic from the comfort of your …

New Moon in Aries

How to Prepare for The New Moon in Aries?

We can expect a lot of intense energy and passion as we welcome the New Moon in Aries on April 11th. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are real trailblazers who like to call the shots when it comes to their destiny. All the signs will be able to harness this fire-fuelled power and we want to show you how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries flawlessly! With every lunar cycle, there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do and adding erratic and fiery Aries to the equation certainly spices things up! Here are a few of our best tips and tricks on how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries: Setting Intentions New Moons are all about starting fresh and shedding our old skin. This is the time to hone your greatest ambitions and turn them into actionable steps forward. This month, you even have a little boost provided by driven and ambitious Aries. Think big and chase after monumental goals! Start Something New Whether your new thing …

What Signs Will Be Affected Most by The Full Moon in Libra

What Signs Will Be Affected Most by The Full Moon in Libra?

On March 28th, we welcome the Worm Full Moon in sign of virtuous and just Libra. This comes perfectly on the tails of the Astrological New Year when the sun entered Aries this past weekend. While there are many things to be on the lookout for this lunar cycle, the most important thing will be to keep a close eye on the relationships in your life. Whether work-related, romantic, or even just friendships. Here’s our top picks for what signs will be affected most by the Full Moon in Libra.  Aries  In the coming days, you should prioritize having an open mind and ears ready to listen. While you often like to take charge and thrive over being heard, it might be time to take a backseat for a few days. Hear out the thoughts and feelings of those most important to you and understand their viewpoints too.   Gemini  This Full Moon is your time to shine romantically! You’ll be feeling fresh, witty, and flirty. Use this energy to bring some romance into your existing relationship or to finally chat up that special someone who has been on your mind.   Leo   Just …

spiritual spring cleaning

Bloom With Oranum! Chat With Us and Experience a Fresh Perspective

Spring marks a time of rebirth and an excellent opportunity to plant seeds for the future! With flowers beginning to sprout and the sun offering up more of its glow, we want you to head into this new season with clarity. Are you ready for a spiritual Spring cleaning? At Oranum, our psychics can get you one step closer to the answers you need. Whether a new relationship is blossoming, or you feel it is time to close an old chapter, chat with us and experience a fresh perspective. Not only is this a good time to take advantage of a spiritual spring cleaning, but also to create fresh ideas and goals. The days are beginning to get longer, and we now have more time and space to dedicate to the things that matter the most. What you plant now will be what grows in the summer months and we want your hopes and dreams to thrive! Traditionally, the Spring Equinox (March 21) signals a new beginning. After what has been a difficult and ambiguous …

2021 New Moon in Pisces

The 2021 New Moon in Pisces and What it Means for You

Since the end of February until now, have your dreams been more vivid than usual? Perhaps you remember them the moment you wake up (something you used to not be able to do)? Or maybe they just keep getting wilder and more whimsical? You can blame this phenomenon on the influence of dreamy Pisces. Even the most practical of signs are feeling its influence, and this will become only truer as we approach the 2021 New Moon in Pisces on March 13th.    Each New Moon offers us a time to start new and make fresh intentions for the upcoming lunar phase. However, having this cycle begin in creative and mystical Pisces offers us a special kind of beginning.   2021 New Moon in Pisces – How to Plan  This Saturday two things are certain – The first is that creativity will be at an all-time high. Whether it takes shape in the form of painting, writing, singing, or dancing, you will feel the urge to create. Allow yourself to indulge in these comforts. Nurturing your creative side this New Moon will set the tone for the coming weeks …