
Signs That You Are a Clairvoyant


Have you had weird visions but brushed these off as imagination? Maybe something you’ve thought about happened in real life leaving you doubting if you had psychic abilities. You could be clairvoyant. Clairvoyance refers to “clear seeing” or “psychic seeing”. Clear seeing occurs from your spiritual third eye and these visions can be extremely subtle. It’s easy to brush them off if you aren’t a believer. However, if you’ve experienced the following signs, maybe it’s time you sat up and took notice…

See beyond the worldly perception with the help a clairvoyant! Get the real glimpse of your life on

  • Daydreaming easily – Clairvoyance deals with visuals. If you tend to dream easily, it means you have no problem visualizing yourself in situations and circumstances. If you often find yourself drifting off into a daydream, this could be your subconscious communicating to you that you are clairvoyant.
  • Your problem-solving skills are a class apart – No, not math problems. Problems where you have to visualize the solution. Say, a puzzle. If you see a puzzle and know almost instantaneously where the pieces go – you could have some clairvoyance skills under your belt.
  • Good sense of direction – Always have a knack for the right way to go? Maybe it just comes naturally to you. You see what others can’t. That’s another clear sign of clairvoyance for you.
  • You can envision easily – If you’re a clairvoyant, you have strong powers of visualization. So, you have no problem picturing something or someplace in your head.
  • Vivid dreams – Now, sometimes a dream can just be a dream. Other times it could be a vision unto the future. Clairvoyant have intense visualization abilities which crop up in their sleep too. If you have detailed dreams on a regular basis, it could be that you are clairvoyant.
  • Notice things others don’t – Some clairvoyants can see spirits. It needs a trained eye to actually be able to clearly see them. Others simply notice movement from the corner of their eye and such like. If this has ever happened to you, you could be clairvoyant!

The signs listed above can indicate for you whether you are clairvoyant or simply another regular human being passing through.

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