Palmistry, Special

Your Heartline and What it Says about you


The line on your palm that lies on the middle of your hand, beginning from your pinky finger and extending all the way to your index finger, is the heartline, according to Palmistry. The position of your heartline can reveal a lot about the kind of person you are. Here, let’s take a look:

  • Below middle finger – If your heartline starts from below your middle finger, you are a born leader. You are a good decision maker, independent, and ambitious. However, you may also tend to be a little self-centered and cold towards others if they do not give in to your dominance.
  • Between middle and index finger – An individual with their heartline beginning from between the middle and index finger is kind and caring. They are submissive personalities but can be quite critical of others. They take their time in judging someone before opening themselves up to them.
  • Below index finger – If your heartline begins below your index finger, you are probably a lot like those with their heartlines below their middle fingers. More sentimental and concerned about other people, these individuals have more satisfying relationships than those they’ve been compared to before.
  • Arcing between index finger and thumb – If your heartline arcs between the index finger and thumb, you are likely a good-intentioned person. You are warm and caring and also quite patient.

Your heartline may also appear differently. If it begins as three lines merging into one, you probably have versatile feelings and are able to affect a balance between these. You also find ways to give an outlet to these feelings.


A heartline starting at the finger base signals empathy; one that begins from the middle of the hand indicates materialistic tendencies. A curved heartline means you are a warm individual and if this line is largely unbroken, it means you can handle emotional depth.

Surprised a line on your palm can say so much about you? Don’t be. It’s basic Palmistry. Palmistry denotes meaning to the major lines on your palm and believes they can be a window into your soul and a beacon to your future.

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