All posts tagged: Tarot

Autumn Equinox

Autumn equinox – 2019

The autumn equinox occurs on the 23rd of September, when the Sun enters Libra On the Northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of the autumn. Solstices and equinoxes have an Astrological significance; the autumn equinox chart gives an insight in the opportunities, challenges and tasks of the period up to the winter solstice. As we know from Astrological textbooks, the major themes of Libra are the relationships, balancing the opposites, finding the healthy middle way between the the extremes, fairness, justice. The downsides of the sign are difficulties with decision making, unhealthy compromises, sugar-coating. In one way or another all these themes will play a major role during the coming three months. Get in tune with your daily reality by knowing your horoscope! Talk to an astrology expert on Oranum! The past few weeks provided good opportunities for launching different projects and to complete the already existing ones. This was not always easy, but if you focused on the really important stuff and avoided time wasting activities, made genuine efforts, you progressed. If you did …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Pisces

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Pisces People with the Zodiac sign of Pisces really like fluid spices, like lemon juice or Marinara sauce and vinegar. Pisces usually don’t eat much, however they drink more than the most of the other zodiacs. Water signs are already full of emotions, so alcohol can be disadvantageous to them. In case you do not want to become more emotional, don’t eat too much sugar either. Pisces, or the Fish, is the twelfth astrological sign of the Zodiac. If your birthday is between February 20 and March 20, this is your sign. Some of the …

Chinese Zodiac love compatibility

Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility

Just as we do with Sun signs, the Chinese refer to their zodiac signs as a measure to assess how compatible their partner is for a relationship or marriage. So if you know what your and your partner’s Chinese zodiac sign is, here’s a list to help you understand whether you both are compatible according to Chinese astrology. Chinese zodiac love compatibility list: Rat – The Rat sign of the Chinese zodiac pairs best with Dragon, Rabbit, and Ox. The worst matches for this sign come from those who have the signs of Goat, Horse, and Rooster. Ox – Rat, Snake and Rooster pair very well with the sign of the Ox. The Dragon, Horse, Goat, and Dog signs are compatibility nightmares. Tiger – Horse and Dog signs match well with the Tiger. Snake and Monkey are different stories altogether. Rabbit – Goat, Dog, Rat and Pig make functional pairings with the Rabbit sign. Ox, Dragon, Rooster and Horse are not such great signs for the zodiac Rabbit-born individual. Dragon – The Dragon sign makes …

Saturn's direct turn

Saturn’s direct turn – 2019

Saturn’s direct turn happens on the 18th of September, on 13°54′ of Capricorn. The Cosmic Taskmaster was retrograde since the 30th of April, and its change of direction means that once our tasks are completed, we can move forward. Saturn is one of the most important karmic indicators in Astrology. It is also associated with our barriers and boundaries, self discipline, responsibilities, maturity, focus, accomplishments, the lessons we must learn, tasks we must complete in our life. Saturn is also the planet of materialization which gives structures to our inner and outer world. On a psychological level it is our inner adult, inner parent, inner sense of authority. If mismanaged it will redirect us on the right track through limitations, losses and hindrances. If we embrace willingly our fate, Saturn will be our best ally on our spiritual path. Saturn’s direct turn – a new set of lessons to work with Saturn is a slow planet, spending 2, 5 years in a sign. It spends retrograde cca 4,5 months each year. The retrogrades of Saturn …

successful relationship

When To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level?

A successful relationship is one where both partners are on the same page regarding their wants and desires in life. They communicate openly and successfully and are aware of the other person’s perspective regarding the relationship they share. If you have been dating somebody you like for a while, it is only natural that you think about whether you both share a future. But how does one understand if it’s time for them to take their relationship forward to another level of intimacy and commitment? Here are some pointers that could help: Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! You can’t stop thinking about them – So you’re on a date with another person and in they pop into your mind. If this is the case, you should probably stop playing the field and seriously think about having that “exclusivity” discussion. You’d like your friends to meet them – If you meet a person and you go on a couple of dates but you already know that you’d like this …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Aquarius

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Aquarius Aquarius, or the Water Bearer, is the eleventh astrological sign of the Zodiac. If your birthday falls between January 21 and February 19, you are an Aquarius. People often turn to you when they need some positive energy as that is what you just radiate all around you. In your kitchen you may strive to uplift others’ energy as well and you can do it easily with those tasty and “rich in flavors” meals and dishes. Your close group of friends already doesn’t know what they would do without you but if …

cleanse negative energy

How can you cleanse negative energy from a place?

Cleaning cannot simply stop with decluttering. You should also clean the negative energy that your house has absorbed. The negative energy could have been a result of negative thoughts/emotions, arguments or life stress that got you down. You don’t want that bad energy still vibrating around your house, downing everyone’s spirits. It’s time to cleanse negative energy! Here’s how you go about it: Discard things you no longer need – Our possessions contain their own energy. The older the possession, the stronger the energy. Don’t hoard unwanted things and unwanted energy, you’re limiting space for the new in your life. If you’ve outgrown a belonging, relinquish it. You’ll notice yourself feel better. Cleanse negative energy – Burn incense – Aromatherapy is good for our mind and soul. The fragrance from incense elevates energy levels and creates a calm and nurturing atmosphere. Don’t keep broken objects – It’s bad feng shui. Broken objects hold negative energy and symbolize stagnancy. If something doesn’t work or is broken in your home, have it fixed. It will automatically improve …

fading spiritual love

Does spiritual love fade over time?

Disney movies, as well as other fairy tales, portray marriage as something that results in a happily ever after. However, science paints a different picture. Science says that wedding bliss has an expiry date. Can we talk about fading spiritual love in reality? In 2003, a study was conducted by American and European researchers which tracked 1,761 people who got married and remained married over 15 years. The researchers found out that on average, newlyweds experience a happiness boost which lasts for two years on average. After that two year period is up, the special joy wears off and they return to where they started from in terms of happiness. What are the issues bothering you the most right now? Ask a Psychic advisor today! That’s fading spiritual love but all hope isn’t lost. The researchers did have some good news too. In addition to their gloomy findings, they found that if couples got past their two-year slump and stuck around for a few decades, they might experience the excitement of their honeymoon period. Typically, …

Enhancing your love life with your Guardian Angel

Greetings my friend, We are in part angels, angels with just one wing and in order to fly and reach a happy love life we need to embrace each other. However, for any internal or external reason, there are occurrences when we are right up there on cloud nine with our beloved one, that the wing of our significant other or our wing (it is a matter of perception), is not vibrating anymore at the same rhythm. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! When this occurs, it is very common that the couple starts to lose confidence, trust, and you think it’s time to flee, you start descending, and even if all the lights of the universe send you the message „DON’T PANIC”, the relationship may still explode like a bubble of soap. This initial iceberg, as in the case of Titanic, is the one on which many relationships stumble and sink. Indeed, instead of finding a common ground and take care of your own wing …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Capricorn

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Capricorn Capricorn, or the Goat, is the tenth astrological sign of the Zodiac. If your birthday is between December 22 and January 20, then you are a Capricorn. Capricorn is an earth sign and the planet associated with it is Saturn. Usually plants with only a few flowers and are woody are good for you. Search for plants with slow growth and long life as Saturn rules these plants. Capricorn areas in the body are knees, joints, bones, and teeth therefore plants with high calcium source will be very good for you.  Some …